AVA Live Radio Interview
Anja's live interview with AVA Live Radio. Photo by Jani Ugrin.
Anja sat down with AVA Live Radio's Jacqueline Jax to talk about her single, How To Be Cool, and connecting fashion & music through her online store Too Cool.
Click here to hear full interview.
Premiering #NOMAD tracks in VR!
pic: Jani Ugrin
Hey fam! The release of the album is a just a little over two weeks away and I'm premiering a few tracks from it tomorrow in virtual reality :)
I'm working together with Chew On This Storytelling and AltSpaceVR to bring a new element to the music. I've always believed that albums should be more than just songs, that they should be an experience (hence, the Too Cool store --> check out the trailer here ;) so the event tomorrow is the first step in that direction.
Come hang at 6pm PST: https://account.altvr.com/events/669040664050139420
Best New Artist in Slovenia
For her live performance of "Čas je zdaj" and "Too Cool", Anja was nominated by RTV for Best Performance, Best Song, and Best New Artist, winning the latter.
Anja recently got back from Europe where she performed at the Slovenian Song Festival.
The Slovenian Song Festival (DSZG) is the longest running festival in the country and features the country's top artists. It is the most prestigious music event and competition in Slovenia and is the most viewed show in the country. DSZG is a competition where, among hundreds of Slovenian artists, 10 finalists are chosen to perform their song and compete for the winning title.
For her live performance of "Čas je zdaj" and "Too Cool", Anja was nominated by RTV for Best Performance, Best Song, and Best New Artist, winning the latter.